Subj: The best in the biz
Hey Ryan, who’s your all-time favorite sports broadcaster?
I’ve always been a huge fan of the incomparable Bob Uecker. Although this former Cardinal backstop was never an All-Star, he’s certainly a Hall Of Famer when it comes to poking fun at his limited abilities. According to Uecker, "Anybody with ability can play in the big leagues. But to be able to trick people year in and year out the way I did, I think that was a much greater feat." One of my other favorite Uecker quotes is about the importance of good timing. "If a guy hits .300 every year, what does he have to look forward to? I always tried to stay around .190, with three or four RBI. And I tried to get them all in September. That way I always had something to talk about during the winter." A winner of the Ford C. Frick Broadcasting Award, Uecker is now in his 38th year of calling balls and strikes for the Milwaukee Brewers.