Subj: The Kutch
Is it true that Ashton Kutcher used to be a pretty decent athlete?
That’s correct, Brad. Long before he began swapping spit with Demi Moore, Kutcher was a middle linebacker and tight end at Clear Creek-Amana High School in Tiffin, Iowa, where he helped the Clippers win two games over a three-year span. The Punk’d star still follows the game closely and is a self professed super fan of the Chicago Bears. “I consider myself the 12th man, he says. “I'm a member of the team. I actually feel I should be on salary.” Kutcher insists his interest in Da Bears isn’t a passing fancy. “For 22 years I have bled blue and orange,” he says. “Through the Harbaugh, Tomczak, Krenzel, Salaam, Enis pain.” If that’s anything like the pain of sitting through The Butterfly Effect, it must be intense.