Subj: Big shoes to fill
Hey Ryan, I’m hoping you can help me resolve a bet. Who has the largest feet in NBA history?
That honor belongs to Big Bob Lanier, a 6’11” behemoth who wore size 22 shoes. In fact, The Dobber’s Nikes were so large that they made it into the Hall of Fame before he did, becoming part of Springfield’s interactive museum. "A lot of people, can put both feet into one of my shoes,” he boasts. Mind, you Lanier wasn’t always so proud about his feet. Even today, he still remembers coming home in tears after children teased him at school. “Do you think I have the wrong feet?” he recalls asking his mother. “Those are the feet you were given the day you were born, so I’m sure they are a perfect fit,” she sagely responded. “Those feet will take you to great places.” She was right. Lanier was an eight-time All-Star who finished his career with averages of 20.1 points and 10.1 rebounds per game. He officially joined his shoes in the Hall of Fame in 1992.